Impressive Look with Kind Soul

Just hearing the word "Bulldog" our imagination makes us see a sturdy and impressing looking creature. However behind this image you may find bon character with kind soul.

Today's breed appeared in late 19th century. This dog has individuality and is considered to be the national dog of England, embodying best qualities of the real gentleman such as imperturbability, respectfulness, conservatism, stolidity from one side and some kind of aristocratism from the other.

Housing of these dogs requires responsibility, as far as originally it was a fighting breed and with the lapse of time turned into decorative. Having lost its working qualities, Bulldog became rather vulnerable.

And yet this breed has a very specific appearance. This is not without reason. The history of origin may tell you a lot of interesting facts, explaining the peculiarities of the dog's appearance.

Nowadays this breed looks kindly, but originally it was used to bait bulls. To fight against such a huge animal they needed to be of a special build. The fanciers of the rude sport molded the dog to be low to make it harder for the bull to injure the dog with its horns. If the bull succeeded to do it, the Bulldog could be thrown on the ground. So the breed had to be well build and strong to be able to resist sudden bull's toss and strokes.

Bulldog's wrinkles were a very necessary feature because they directed the blood away from the dog' eyes and nose. As for the nose, it had to be set back so that the dog could breathe easily when the bull didn’t let the dog go.

Being very cruel this sport was forbidden and outlawed. The future of the breed was under threat; nevertheless there were people who had appreciated the true value of this kind of dog. Breeders' aim was to preserve better traits of character and get rid of unnecessary. Though, even now firmness and obstinacy still can be found in his character. If you have Bulldog you certainly noticed that if it doesn’t want to do something you will never make him fulfill it.

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